How To Create A Residual Income With A Simple Credit Card Information Website
There are over 8 million searches online every month, Adsense per click values get close to double figures and there are a mass of big-name affiliate programs to promote. But there's something even bigger.
The reason I believe it just HAS to form part of your product portfolio is the shocking pay per lead programs offered by certain big name companies which affords you the possibility of earning a whopping $65 per lead just for the prospect filling out an approved form. As...
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There are over 8 million searches online every month, Adsense per click values get close to double figures and there are a mass of big-name affiliate programs to promote. But there's something even bigger.
The reason I believe it just HAS to form part of your product portfolio is the shocking pay per lead programs offered by certain big name companies which affords you the possibility of earning a whopping $65 per lead just for the prospect filling out an approved form. As pay per leads go, this is the holy grail and I'll tell you exactly where to find this affiliate program in the download area.
It's estimated that the credit card business is worth $50 billion in the United States alone, and the total amount of credit card debt in America is over $800 billion. Those are staggering facts, and from the point of view of a content publisher you ought to be licking your lips in delight because we've already seen that over 8 million people a month search for "credit card" online. When there's that type of volume in terms of both prospects and pure cash changing hands, you can bet there's money to be made - and thanks to the internet even "Joe Blog" can get involved in a big way by owning a simple site or blog with targeted content & the right affiliated programs.
More facts? There are over 1.2 billion credit cards in circulation in the U.S. and almost 80% of individuals are deemed credit-worthy.
The thing is, credit card companies know that with the average U.S. household racking up an eye-popping $7,000 in credit card debt, the more sign-ups they get for their credit cards...the more money they make. It's a pure numbers game and each and every sign up means big money for them - not just as a one off but for years into the future.
You see, that's exactly why they'll throw around a lot of money to get these customers (and lots of it). That's why there's pay per click & pay per lead potential here that almost defies belief (and frankly it makes the internet marketing payouts seem like a sad joke). Let's review the potential briefly:
** Pay Per Click Potential **
Credit card companies are known to bid around the $4 to $8 per click mark on Adwords and even more on certain keywords. As a result, a simple content based credit card site/blog can make out like a bandit with Adsense & other contextual programs.
** Pay Per Lead Potential **
Credit card pay per lead programs are among the strongest pay per lead programs in any niche market. I recall the excitement when a prolific internet marketing guru offered $1 per lead (for a limited time) under pay per lead. If you think that's something, how does $65 per lead sound - one of the pay per lead programs I've found is offering just that (details inside the package). If you've tried to find reliable pay per lead programs before, you'll know it's very difficult. There are literally several hundred credit card companies - most aren't involved with pay per lead... this information alone is priceless and if you value your time - saves you a LOT of it.
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